Factor Spotlight
Weekly factor insights to inform your strategy
We discuss the two different ways to build a beta which is a key measure that helps investors understand how an asset behaves relative to the broad market.
Read MoreContinuing our examination of IPOs, we explore how to create better risk hedges than the traditional ETFs that PMs tend to use.
Read MoreWe examine analyzing IPOs from a risk modeling perspective and investigate tools available to limit the potential downside.
Read MoreWe examine trends in high vs. low volatility stocks and their impact on volatility-based investment strategies.
Read MoreWe dig deeper into the securities behind Volatility’s bullish trend and explore what is driving its performance.
Read MoreWe examine the 2020 resurgence of the Volatility factor and compare its recent behavior to its positive trajectory in 2009.
Read MoreWe decompose the S&P500 into FAAANM and non-FAANM portfolios and observe surprising recent trends.
Read MoreIntroducing Smart Trades, our newest feature that allows you to create hedge baskets to offset factor exposure in your portfolio
Read MoreWe use factor mimicking portfolios to better understand the relationship between interest rates and performance of the Value factor.
Read MoreWe continue our investigation of the emerging Retail Investor Sentiment signal and examine its relationship with the Short Interest factor.
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