Learn factor fundamentals and how to apply them to your investing strategy
Battening Down for January’s Perfect Storm
Unlock Alpha at Earnings Season with AI-Generated Fundamental Forecasts
5 Ways to Prepare Your Portfolio for the Upcoming Election
Unlocking Portfolio Potential: Quant Insight and Omega Point's Integrated Macro Solutions
Normalized Factor Returns
Tracking a factor's overextension to its mean
Return Calculation Methodology
Understand how Omega Point decomposes sources of return across factors and alpha
Factor Drift Methodology
Automatic calculations display how a factor's current risk & exposure sizes up against its historic values
Why should you be factor-aware?
Omega Point Extreme Movers
Guide to understanding Omega Point's Extreme Movers portfolios and methodologies
Data-Driven Superpowers for Institutional Investors
Macro Moving Markets More Than Ever
Regius Magazine: Joint Article with Quant Insight
Improving Tax-Aware Performance Through Better Substitutions
Regius Magazine
Understanding Factor Models
Being Factor Aware when it comes to Alternative Data
Being Factor Aware
Factor analysis for fundamental investors
A Practical Approach to Building Superior, High-Conviction Fundamental Strategies
Joint Presentation with Qontigo
How to be Factor Aware
What factors are you exposed to & how to handle exposure
Unravelling Risk & Alpha
Case Study
In today's dynamic market landscape, themes are becoming increasingly influential drivers of stock performance. But how can investors effectively identify, measure, and manage thematic exposure? Introducing the Thematic Strength Indicator (TSI) - a novel analytical tool designed to reveal how strongly themes influence individual stock returns, beyond general market movements.
Market insights and news from the Omega Point team
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